Saturday, January 29, 2011


Concept for UMC alien. The Nommo descended to Earth from the Sirius Star system. They inhabit a watery planetoid on the outskirts of the solar system.

1 comment:

  1. It's taken some time, but I've found them!

    Forgive me if it seems like I'm playing the troll? I'm most definitely not!

    Come to my Gallery, and just look at the evidence I've accumulated.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the main page and see the Moai I shot on Easter Island, then go back to the top & go to the page entitled: The Whole Truth of The Epoch?

    Once there scroll down and find the slideshow entitled; Dusk to Dawn, and examine the stars, we're seeing in the night skies now for more than a year, that never move ever, and have been getting closer and brighter every day.

    On that same page as well, you'll find another slideshow, that shows a blue planet, that when I shot it, all that was seen was a perfectly circular black space above, until it illuminated, flashing on and off until it stayed lit.

    No one else in the whole world has such a series, unless they were in my neighborhood shooting the same moment in time, and that is highly unlikely.

    While shooting this I was in shock. The planet soon after came into focus after starting shooting, and on it's surface was an eye, that was looking about, and blinking.

    I thought I was hallucinating? lol

    The Slideshow says something about a 360 degree time-laps of the carbon star.

    I'm about to post images of our now white sun, that I have just worked on some photos and have proven that the Sirius sun is the larger bright white planet, among 12 others that are now in alignment between our sun and the earth.

    They've been in alignment now for almost a year and no one is aware of this.

    I have many photos though.
